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On Feedback, Anthropology and Extra-space

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We grow when our friends or the ones who love us tell us about ourselves. Frankly. Not just to please us. If we are good listeners, we become improved versions of ourselves, more accurate, more complete.

Here at KUBOO we act in the same manner. Because at KUBOO the most important thing is to be yourself. And this is not a cliché, it’s a rare occurrence in the workplace, and it takes conviction and determination. Self-storage can be dry and alienating if approached in the perspective of business as usual, or it can be a great journey into knowing people. Like a city. Take Lisbon for example, approach it sideways and you may never experience it. Run it through, face first, and it will come at you like a tram. Be ware. Space has a singular politeness to it. It likes uncluttered faces!

It’s a bit like taxi drivers, they are the ears of the city. They are an encyclopedic knowledge of daily life on wheels. Anthropologically rich.

So, face first, we count on the sincere and frank feedback of our staff, friends, and customers to improve ourselves, become more accurate and more balanced. To offer whatever in the world of self-storage we can offer, and always be one step ahead of the rest in taking care of people and of their belongings in the kindest of ways. Because we love it. The anthropological aspect of it. Our days at KUBOO are good days. Full of novelty and renewed every day. There’s space for everything.

If you have a garage, a small warehouse, an extra room in your house where you pile the artefacts of your life, free it (your life). Use the garage for your car or as a hobby room, and that room in your house, with the bicycles and Gym things that you haven’t used in years, perhaps friends can crash in it. Free your space, free your spaces, don’t let clutter get the best of you and don’t get too attached to bulky items. The space they steal from you is worth recovering.

If you live in Lisbon, or planning on it, or Cascais, or Cacém or Algés, we are your neighbours and we are here to help with your excess stuff during your moves. We also offer small Kuboos to be used like small garages, or small extra spaces, extensions to your home, at a small price; so you can keep them for as long as you wish. A simple, clean, safe and cheap extraspace.

That’s what we think self-storage is also about, up at the source, it frees a cluttered space, an office, a garage, a business or just a corner of your house. Without denting your budget. It’s simple, easy to access, affordable and safer than anything else. And we are here to simplify the process. Faces first. Storing is fun! It cleans-up our lives. Clears up our messes.

Huxley said If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything will appear as it really is, infinite. We know he wasn’t talking about storage, bikes, physical spaces, garages, warehouses, or anything that has to do with storing. He was talking about letting go of the prisons of our senses. Un-cluttering. Clearing your daily space is a first step.

Lisbon, Portugal, this is where the hub is. From here, like hundreds of years ago, the ocean is infinite, and space relentless. And so we look ahead. But for now, our space is Lisbon, the great Lisbon area to be precise, at the very center, between Cacém and Oeiras, Cascais and Amadora, Algés and Alfragide. In Carnaxide! A breath away from Lisbon’s center. This is where we are, this is where there’s space for everything, and this is where we await your feedback.

Please always let us know what you think of your experience at KUBOO, what we can provide more to satisfy your needs, and how you think we should improve ourselves.
We are very grateful-

KUBOO and Lisbon; Self-Storage and Pastel

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Lisbon, city of churches and festivals, of white cobblestone sidewalks that reflect light like no other city, and building facades splashed in clean pastel colours that bounce this white light back in a soft, gentle and diffused manner onto the faces of passers by.

Not anyone can walk Lisbon’s streets. One must be fit, determined and goal driven to climb up the 7 hills made of hundreds of winding streets that become slippery when it rains. Old people live long here and climb those streets like cats holding grocery bags.

Lisbon is also made of houses often too small to fit everything you need. There has been some self-storage solutions around for a few years now, but nothing to match the new familiar and homy approach as well as the high quality service of KUBOO Self-Storage, where people come and feel at home right away; alleviating as much as we can everyone’s moving and storing stress is our noblest goal.

When we look at Lisbon, we see a city being emptied of its people, replaced by tourists and expensive housing. We ache at this trend, a global trend, that strips our beloved old cities of their souls and replaces it with a Disneyland impression that even tourists are not looking for.

KUBOO can’t alter this trend all by itself, but we can help by offering solutions for self-storage in and around Lisbon for those in need of a transitional or permanent safe, clean and easily accessible space for their belongings.

Moving, storing and changing towns is never easy. That’s the part that we built our mission upon: To do all we can to simplify and make this process stress-free, and, as much as we can, pleasurable.

Kids come to KUBOO with their parents, and they usually love it. They love the facility, because for a child a clean, big and safe space like the one at KUBOO is like a dream come true. They run around, play with our small toys laying around in the reception, shoot the football in the loading bay, and get to choose one (no more than one) ChupaChups while their parents get a nice cup of coffee (or two). Sometimes the parents prefer Chupachups, and it makes us smile.

Self-storage in Lisbon is boring in general. Receptions are small and stuffy, KUBOO’s reception is twice as high (at least) and 3 times as big as any other, and it feels like our living-room.

We offer from the smallest locker of 1m3, where you can store boxes and luggage for example to large 30m2 Kuboos where you can store your life! In-between we have garage sizes that will expand your home with minimal cost that you can forget about because it doesn’t dent your wallet.

In the storage world, KUBOO and Lisbon are married in their aesthetics. We are bright and we reflect light, our colour, Orange, what the word Portugal means in the old Moorish language, and our roots go deep under the cobblestones of Lisbon’s sidewalks; Our hospitality is entrenched and we love to help. And just like Lisbon’s buildings, our self-storage hearts are all pastel coloured.

KUBOO sponsored Gui Gomes is sailing high winds

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The Cascais Naval Club is 80 years old, Guilherme Gomes is only 20, but it has been already 12 years since he joined the team!

And this year was highlighted by his 8th time win of the sailor with the Greatest Team Spirit Award!

Guilherme’s enthusiasm for the sea began very early, the boat trips in which his paternal grandfather (A Navy Officer) took him, fed his love for boats and for the sea. Guilherme started sailing when he was only 8 years old and since then his dedication has resulted in excellent classifications and podium awards.

“I’ve already achieved a lot of good results, but the best one was in the International Tournament of Carnival in 2017 (Vilamoura), where I came in 2nd place” he tells us with pride.

But Guilherme is not sailing alone, Rafael Rodrigues, who also started sailing 8 years ago, since the first time he set foot on a sailboat, joins him. Rafael confessed to us, “the trick to be a good sailor is not a simple one, it’s a complex recipe, in which the ingredients are based on concentration, the ability to communicate, the ability to observe, a solid determination and a constant desire to learn and evolve. And obviously the eagerness to be the best”.

With 15 podium prizes, including 2 National Titles, it is clear that this is, without a doubt, the recipe for success!

“For me, the best thing is to represent Portugal in International championships; it’s always great to represent my country”, says Guilherme.

KUBOO is proud to be with Guilherme and Rafael in these moments of personal fulfilment and pride for Portugal! To try to help them in achieving the best they can be, and to grow with them.

Self-storage businesses are usually dry and lifeless. Not KUBOO. Among all Self-storages in Portugal, we pride ourselves at KUBOO to be part of the world around us, to give back as much as we can to the community that sustains us, to do it with young athletes but also with people in need at large. 5% of all our profits go for the causes we feel for.

We also understand that storing your belongings is more often than not a transitional and stressful period, so we are focused on doing our best at alleviating the moving and storing part of it, with a complimentary Chupa-Chups and a nice hearty Portuguese coffee, as well as with a staff so friendly you may feel you’re on vacation. Visit us at KUBOO Self-Storage in Carnaxide and you will see for yourself.

As for Guilherme and Rafael, we are deeply proud of both of them! And we will continue to support them throughout.