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It’s one of the more urgent problems facing us today: the increase in the cost of housing. It’s forcing many people to live in smaller apartments. And with that problem another one arises: where to store our things when there’s very little space?

There are a few ways to tackle this issue without having to feel packed like sardines in our own home. Here, KUBOO gives you some suggestions which can also help in deciding what to store in your box:

1. Be realistic and think about your preferences and needs

By opting for a smaller house, you’ll need to make some decisions. The best way to go about this is to look at things you love and things you need. For example, if you can’t live without your shoe collection, partition a part of your closet to make a shoe rack; if your kitchen is your ‘oasis’ you’ll need to make this room very functional.

Take a good look at every nook and cranny in that room and make use of every inch of space. Don’t forget about the walls: the trick is to ‘think vertically’: think shelves, hooks and hangers. You can also opt for furniture that you can fold and put away when not in use. Also think about the ‘invisible’ places in a house, for example, space under the couch, the bed or stairs.

2. Give priority to the things you use everyday

Always have at hand the objects and all the things that you use on a daily basis. Make a list before you move and take note of where you plan to store these essential goods. The rest you can store in your Kuboo, also in list form and with their whereabouts noted.

3. Words to live by: simple and clean

The smaller the space, the easier to end up with a chaotic and dirty area. Therefore, always keep your house simple and clean so that you can take 100% advantage of it. The trick is to never leave anything out of place, cleaning a bit every day. The same logic that you´ll take with you to your Kuboo.