BlogUncategorized September 15, 2020 In Lisbon’s kingdom, if Carnaxide is the Princess then Abóboda is the Queen When we opened Kuboo Carnaxide, she was the Princess of self-storage in Lisbon. She still… Diogo Pereira Love0
BlogUncategorized July 27, 2020 Short invented story (Why do we divorce?) I don’t remember who started it. Was it her, was it me, was it her… Diogo Pereira Love0
BlogUncategorized March 16, 2020 KUBOO Takes Measures To Limit The Spread Or The Corona Virus Dear clients, We believe that our overall mission is not only to protect your belongings… Diogo Pereira Love0
BlogUncategorized January 24, 2020 Coming Back Home From Exile I met a guy once, it was back in 1995 in Milfontes, on a hot… Diogo Pereira Love0
BlogUncategorized December 31, 2019 Kuboodistas: We Are The Pessoa(s) Of Self-storage Few years ago, not many years, about 10, barely a handful of people around the… Diogo Pereira Love0
BlogUncategorized October 14, 2019 Come And Meet The KUBOO Heroes! Not all heroes wear capes, but even the world of self-storage has its fair share… Diogo Pereira Love0